Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Singapore will be holding the world netball championship in 2011!! Bigger announcement!! The netball nation games will be here soon- August to September 2008! Three cheers!!!

Last year, I went to the 5 nations championship. It was awesome!! Plus, Singapore won and was crowned the overall champion 2 years in a roll!! The atmosphere was intense. Sitting at the stand, my teammates and I felt the adrenaline rush of the players! I love attending games like this one. =D

I played a number of competition but never played anything that big scale. I will not totally understand this but i think, players will feel the intensity and the pressure if there is a huge crowd cheering for them. I don't really like it when people start cheering for the team. To me, I believe that by cheering for the team you support, it will not benefit them as they will be more nervous and hence, not bring able to perform to their best. Moreover, this will also place pressure to the other team, making them feel pretty much ostracized. In any case, I feel that both teams will be off a disadvantage and, it is just not really wise to do that.

in the textbook, it is said that the presence of other people improved performance on a simple task but worsened performance on a difficult task. it is proposed that the presence of other people is physiologically arousing- faster heart rate for example. this could be due to the fact that they are anxious to perform well in front of others.

I am, once again.. WRONG!!!!! Triplett conducted a study and concluded that people perform better in the presence of others- an effect that became known as social facilitation where it is defined as the effects of the presence of other people on individual performance on simple tasks and impaired performance on complex tasks. With this theory, can i say that team Singapore has been winning during the nation cup because it is played locally and there are many supporters, therefore, they are able to perform better? Also, because they have been training and participating in so many netball games, the game is a simple task and therefore, they are able to perform? Zajonc found out that it has got to do with the level of complexity of the task to the participants.

This is interesting. Now, Zajonc hypothesised that the presence of other people increases the probability of the dominant responses on a task. let it be simple...! when a task is well-learned, results will typically improve in front of an audience whereas performance on the complex task will worsen the performance in from of an audience. maybe thats why team Singapore can do well cuz the level of complexity is pretty low and to them its a well-learned task!!! can i then say that the netballers are able to attain and retain the champion title for 2 years due to the fact that the game is held in singapore, there are alot of supporters and they train alot?

So, what do you say abt Social Facilitation in this context? Agree with me!?

1 comment:

monkey-xian said...

I would not totally disagree on what was mentioned in the textbook. When it is a simple task, people with the skills will be able to perform better . However, when in a difficult task, they might perform worse with more people might be due to the pressure. they would think if i perform bad, and other perform the same as well, it is the task being difficult.

But i do agree that the team singapore performing better. The team is used to playing here as it is their home town, and many who went to watch are their supporters or families. They perform better because it is their homeland and they might not wish to lose right here when many are watching. Still, practice is important. Without enough practice, one would not know the mistakes they might make in a competition which would lead to the losing of points.

Play well in a game!! But most importantly, have fun and enjoy a game.